What's the 2012 summer fashion trend for men? Do you want to help your boyfriend embody his personality by styling outfits? Now we offer guys the top 5 summer style tips to get ready for summer.
Tip 1. Wear Light Weight Suits
Choose lighter materials and colors such as khaki or even white so your suit will reflect heat rather than take it in. Alternatively, if going lighter in color isn’t an option, opt for a lightweight fabric such as linen or cotton to keep yourself cooler while still rocking a navy or grey suit.
Tip 2. Be Bold
The go-to shades for this season are yellow and blue; luckily for you, we have write-ups on both.
Tip 3. Style a Pair of Fashion Shorts
A good pair of fashion shorts is defined by a certain set of features:
- Shorts should end just above the knee.
- They don’t add excess bulk through cargo-like pockets – you want to create a good silhouette.
- They should not be too baggy or roomy. Again, it’s all about the shape and silhouette but, on the other hand, you don’t want them too tight. And never venture into budgie-smuggler territory off-beach.
Tip 4. Rock the Loafers, Sandals or Canvas
Give your brogues a break and bring out the loafers, sandals and canvas. Changing up your footwear will make sure your favorite Grenson’s are given time to breath while keeping you cooler with a more appropriate footwear choice. It’s also a great time to go sockless.
Tip 5. Fashion Accessories for Men
Shades, tote bags, watches, and stylish necklace, wallet should all be areas in which you spend the majority of your money when it comes to dressing up. In the winter you can get away with not having a watch because everyone is wearing long sleeves. Don’t be that guy when it gets warmer. Your raggedy gym bag will not suffice when you’re heading out for a day of outdoor activities.
Source From: www.blog4stylefashion.com